Team Costs
Robotics is, by it's nature, a costly endeavor. The team charges no cost to its participants besides meal expenses, meaning board, travel, and registration must be fund raised. In addition to such logistics, the cost of creating a competition-worthy robot is enormous. From the electronics, to software licensing, costs are well into the thousands of dollars. Thankfully, community members and STEM promoting companies graciously assist the team (See our Sponsor page).
How You Can Help
Just a concerned community member? A company looking to help? There's something everyone can do to help. Spreading the word is a great help to the team. It shows the community that we are more than an extra curricular, that STEEL Boot Robotics is a force for education throughout Salinas. Donations, of both monetary value and time, are also welcome (See . We can always use help organizing events with other teams and ensuring all our members can attend practices and meetings.