Build Lead: Dylan Uribe
Joined 2019 when he was a Sophomore. His job is build lead, meaning he is in charge of organizing and instructing the other members of the build team to ensure projects and designs get finished, and all members are being utilized effectively. Things he has done before were reconstructing game elements for our team's robot to practice in an environment that simulates the competition, alongside making sure they could be disassembled and put away in storage.
Build Lead: Gideon Stewman |
Gideon joined his Sophomore year (2019-2020) after transferring from another school. He's the Co-Fabrication and Design Lead with Dylan. His older brother, Isaiah ( now alumni ) was the previous build lead, passing the torch to Gideon to keep the robotics team running smoothly.
Code Lead: Noah Fouts |
Joined during the 2018-19 school year as a Freshman, in time for the FRC 2019 season - Destination: Deep Space. His current roles include Vice President, and Programming lead. As vice president he helps to plan and run the meetings. As one of the programming leads, he runs the programming team. Recently, he has been organizing workshops about the Java programming language. He is also the most familiar with updating firmware and GitHub.
Joined 2019, sophomore year. The programming sub-team is in charge of developing the control structure that determines how the robot will interact with the driver and its environment. Basically, they write the code that tells the robot how to function. The leads have the responsibility of ensuring that all programming members are up to speed with the languages and libraries utilized and spearheading the programming side of any projects the team is currently working on. This includes assigning specific roles to members, keeping track of the project's overall progress, and managing the organization of the code and its repository.
Business Lead: Zoe Glenn |
Zoe joined the team in 2019, her sophomore year. As business lead, she leads the team in charge of the financial aspect of the team. That includes reaching out to sponsors, creating a business plan, and budgeting. She also works with the media and marketing team to make sure that the team´s brand and online presence is accurate.
Marketing Lead: Jude Stewman |
Joined in 2020 for his freshman year but was working with the team when he was in 8th grade, doing our team's logo on the red alliance. He is media team lead, works to supply our business team with an accurate representation of our current projects and successes to allow for an impressive showcase of our team to the sponsors.